How I use MacOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android :my favorite apps and extensions 2025-02-10 -
Alpine.js as a Stimulus alternative :how to avoid inline JS with Alpine CSP 2024-11-04 -
A Rubyist learns Haskell, part 3 :the end 2024-10-23 -
A Rubyist learns Haskell, part 2 :expressiveness and correctness 2024-06-17 -
Reflections on RailsConf 2024 :the Ruby community is for everyone 2024-05-16 -
Being laid off in 2023-2024 as an early-career developer :when the tech industry wants to squeeze you out 2024-03-26 -
Two months of LinkedIn posts :a job networking effort 2024-02-20 -
Job networking for developers :notes from a job hunt 2024-01-17 -
Coming to grips with JS :a Rubyist's deep dive 2023-12-29 -
A Rubyist learns Haskell, part 1 :not so different after all? 2023-11-21 -
Server-sent events for asynchronous API calls in a Roda app :Wiki Stumble, part 3 2023-09-04 -
Roda + Turbo Streams = ❤️ :Wiki Stumble, part 2 2023-08-28 -
Building a text-based game in Ruby, part 1 :simultaneous, real-time input and output 2023-08-19 -
MacOS for PC users, part 2 :more tools for lost souls 2023-08-15 -
Solo RPGs as a creative practice :overcoming my inhibition to storytelling 2023-07-30 -
My plain-text reading list :now with statistics, and feature-complete! 2023-07-17 -
Building a text-based game :exploring an old genre for new purposes 2023-06-20 -
Parsing text in Ruby, part 2 :parse and transform with regular expressions 2023-05-01 -
Parsing text in Ruby, part 1 :Parslet transforming my world 2023-03-15 -
Switching to Linux :notes from a former Windows user 2023-02-16 -
OOP vs. services for organizing business logic :is there a third way? 2022-12-06 -
The first six months :lessons learned as a junior developer 2022-08-24 -
RVTWS :a Ruby stack for modern web apps 2022-06-24 -
Dot syntax and deep_fetch for Ruby hashes :benchmarks and usability considerations 2022-05-05 -
MacOS for PC users :a guide for lost souls 2022-04-18 -
How to find your first Rails job :notes from a job hunt 2022-01-30 -
Doctor Lookup :lightning Rails app #4 2022-01-10 -
A "Pass the Story" collaborative writing game :lightning Rails app #3 2021-12-30 -
A StumbleUpon-style Wikipedia explorer :Wiki Stumble, part 1 / lightning Rails app #2 2021-12-16 -
An AI story writer :lightning Rails app #1 2021-12-14 -
How to contribute to open source :a guide for Rails beginners 2021-12-01 -
From teacher to developer :coming home to my second career 2021-11-22 -
A November of WTFs :the hard parts of learning Rails 2021-11-18 -
Ruby for the self-taught developer :why it's a great fit 2021-10-26 -
My first Rails app, Plain Reading :how I built it 2021-09-30 -
Nand to Tetris :computer science and lessons in optimization 2021-08-19 -
Plain-text, flat-file knowledge base with syntax highlighting :notes with tags and dates, effortlessly 2021-08-05 -
Build a blog with Bridgetown :templates, components, and plugins all in Ruby 2021-07-07 -
My first Ruby app :lessons learned 2021-05-19 -
The Keyboardio Atreus :typing less painfully, part 2 2021-04-20 -
Learning Colemak :typing less painfully, part 1 2021-03-29 -
Habits and time tracking with :beyond a todo list 2021-02-28 -
Functional programming techniques in Ruby :pipelines, callable objects, and other tools for cleaner code 2020-12-21 -
Ruby practice with Exercism :what I learned 2020-11-03 -
AutoHotkey - Windows key, home row arrow keys, mouse shortcuts :and other hacks for Windows productivity 2020-10-15 -
Set up Windows Terminal shortcuts :and make Windows a bit more usable 2020-09-18 -
Track your reading with read.csv :and become a deeper reader 2020-08-09 -
How I built this blog :an exploration of minimalism and programming jokes 2020-07-23 -
Make a custom todo.txt for VS Code :and become a productivity beast 2020-06-13