Reading Stats
List | Statistics
This page is updated automatically with the help of my Reading gem, which parses my reading.csv
file and queries it for statistics.
- Favorite genres
- Genres by year
- What I feel about each genre
- Rating distribution
- Most re-reads
- Longest items
- Most annotated
- Fastest reads
Note: The length of audio/visual items is converted to page counts according to my average reading speed of 35 pages per hour.
Favorite genres
Total pages read of 4- and 5-star items, of genres with over 1000 pages.
Genres by year
Total pages read of each year’s top 4 and other genres.
What I feel about each genre
Average rating by genre.
Rating distribution
Item count by rating.
Most re-reads
Highest numbers of completed readings/listenings/watches, including the first one.
Longest items
For podcasts and other items of undefined length, I count the amount that I’ve consumed so far.
Most annotated
Word count of notes.
Fastest reads
Pages per day.